Okay, I keep THINKING about doing this (for more than a year now) but haven’t actually done it. If I blog and talk about doing it, then I’ll have to follow through, so, HERE GOES.
My plan is to start at Black Hat / Defcon / Security B-Sides and conduct some video interviews with interesting folks. Lord knows there are plenty of them out there!
There may be 1-2 longer full interviews, but I expect to host a handful of short interview-lettes, just long enough to get a giggle, but short enough to keep our A.D.D.-riddled security minds from wandering off.
I have my own thoughts about interesting folks and friends, but I talk to these people all the time. So my question to you is: Who do YOU want to see?
I just posed this question on Twitter, but I’ll have a MUCH easier time tracking replies here.
Here is the first list, started off on twitter. These are great! Keep ’em coming, or add votes to these.
- Jack Daniel (@jack_daniel)
- Martin McKeay (@mckeay)
- Chris Hoff (@Beaker) <- He actually won’t be at BH/DC :(
- Dave Lewis (@gattaca)
- Hot anonymous blonde (@SecBarbie)
- James Arlen (@myrcurial)
- The anonymous intern (@securityintern)
- Leigh Honeywell (@hypatiadotca)
# # #
Per my request to you on twitter, add to the list:
Working on two lists – one for full-length interviews on upcoming projects or topoics and one of short intro snippits to meet and greet some of your favorite security goobers, i mean, people.
I’m going to keep taking suggestions all weekend and during the week. Please include contact info (email, website, blog, twitter name, etc) so I can find the people you want!
You should try to get Pete Herzog from ISECOM (@isecom)
I’ve also heard Johnny Long (@ihackstuff) and Jimmy Ray Purser (@JimmyRay_Purser)